Genealogische Datenbank

Tiefenbach Elsass Familien

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  • Kurztitel Tiefenbach Elsass Familien 
    Titel Tiefenbach Elsass Familien 
    Quellen-Kennung S1872 
    Verknüpft mit (3) Cromer, Maria Magdalena
    Faust, Michael
    Hammerschmid, Catharina 

  •  Notizen 
    • From a professional German genealogist - The village of Tieffenbach has this in their archives
      Given to John Pace by the Mayor of Tieffenbach
      From the conversion of a 190 page Word document to this HTML webpage, spaces between words and double spaced lines were automatically added and I do not have the time to take them out - Paul Ridenour